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Do you need to make a Will but do not know where to start?

Are you baffled by the array of choice available?

Do you really need to go to a solicitor or would one of those DIY Will kits do? But just why are some rejected at Probate leaving a sorry mess for the bereaved?

What about using the bank, or downloading a Will, or using the high street corner shop's new business? And why are Will-writers, seemingly, the hapless fodder for investigative journalism?

Or, perhaps you already made a Will and would just like another viewpoint whilst you still have the ability to change it.


The answers to all of your questions and more are in The Good Will Guide. It will tell you why certain Will making avenues should be approached with extreme caution and, not only will it point you in the right direction but, more importantly, it will steer you away from making poor, uninformed choices which could prove to be costly for you and your loved ones. It will tell you why good willing doesn't just revolve around the making of a Will, but of the importance of leaving, in the broader sense, a good legacy.


With refreshing candour, the author examines today's Will making choices and their costs. She considers the appointing of your executors, Will storage options and offers guidelines as to when you should review it.


Finally, she looks at the importance of addressing the much neglected Letter of Wishes to assist your family and executors.


It is a simple book written without jargon.

It could literally save you thousands of pounds.

Due to demand,  The Second Editon is due out in March 2022.



The Good Will Guide Second Editon 


By Patricia C Byron









The Good Will Guide Second Edition

ISBN: 978-0956508911

100 pages, 214g

23.4 x 15.6  Paperback

Published in March 2022 by Stellar Books

RRP £9.99  



"A no-nonsense...well-written and comprenhensive guide for the layperson."

Manchester Law Society Messenger


"Byron points out common mistakes and traps for the unwary.

I liked much about this little book, which highlights the importance

of making the decisions that are correct for individuals and

their heirs. Written in the same clear and practical style as

Last Orders, this impressive book is a comprehensive guide

for the lay person. It will equip the reader with all of the

information needed to take the next step and make a good will." 
Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners


For futher information you may wish to visit the author's website where you can purchase her books directly.

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