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The Stellar Advisory Service

So, you think you are ready to publish?

Manuscript complete?

Title chosen?

Cover designed?

Blurb word perfect?

Then what? 

Hardback of softback?

Litho or digital?

And what size book?

What type of paper?

What length of print run?

Or should you go down the print-on-demand route? 

What about getting your work into wholesalers, or Amazon, or bookshops?

What next?  

We could go on..............


Self-publishing is wonderful. But it's not as simple or straightforward as many self-publishing websites would have you believe AND it can be costly! So, if you are looking to self-publish and are unsure about the direction you are taking, before you commit to anything, anywhere, it will undoubtedly be worth seeking suitable advice.


Patricia C Byron, best-selling author and Stellar Books publisher, offers  sound, effective guidance for those who require it. For just £99, you can have two consultations which will undoubtedly pay dividends in the long run and could stop you from making some uninformed, irreversible, costly mistakes.  Here are just a few TESIMONIALS of those who have worked with Patricia.


Should you then choose to publish with Stellar Books, the full £99 is deducted from your final invoice.






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