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Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain






Grief and loss affect us all, no matter what age we might be. From the death of a much loved relative or pet, the lost opportunity of an important scholarship or promotion, a family divorce, death and loss have to be grieved over, dealt with and hopefully recovered from. In simple, jargon free language this book covers ways to understand and resolve the diverse, sometimes confusing and conflicting emotions experienced at times of intense personal distress.


There are sections that cover how to build personal confidence, a positive mental attitude and self-esteem which benefit us all in everyday life.











Susan Leigh is a counsellor and hypnotherapist. She qualified with the Academy of Curative Hypnotherapy, holds the Counselling Advanced Level 4 Diploma, is an accredited member of the Stress Management Society, Member of the Hypnotherapy Association and a Member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy (Accredited). She is registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and is a member of the College of Medicine.


She is a highly respected Altrincham, South Manchester based counsellor and hypnotherapist as well as a regular contributor to national and local BBC radio. She has also appeared on BBC1 TV. Susan is a highly regarded hypnotherapy trainer with the Academy of Holistic Hypnotherapy.


She writes and contributes regularly to local, national and international websites and publications. 


‘Dealing With Death, Coping With the Pain’ is her first book.



Visit Susan Leigh's website 


Below, Susan explains how to deal with stress.


ISBN: 978-0956508928

100 pages, 176g

23.4 x 15.6  Paperback

Published in October 2012 by Stellar Books



RRP £9.99


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